被消失的日常The vanished routine

科技表演藝術/Performing Arts with Technology

製作團隊Production Team
編創:郭子耘、田子平/Choreographer: Guo Ziwei, Tian Ziping
編舞暨表演:李晉捷/Choreographer and Performer: Lee Chun-chit
舞臺設計:郭子耘/Stage Designer: Guo Ziwei
舞臺技術:游懷茹/Stage Technician: Yau Wai-yu
技術協力:謝竺勳/Technical Co-ordinator: Tse Chu-hsun
影像設計:田子平、劉庭均/Video Designer: Tian Ziping, Liu Tingjun
影像技術:劉庭均/Video Technology: Liu Tingjun
燈光設計:劉恩廷/Lighting Designer: Liu Enting
燈光協力:蔡政霖/Lighting Coordinator: Tsai Ching-Lin
作曲既聲音設計:陳致霖/Composer and Sound Designer: Chen Zhilin
視訊:義丞有限公司/Video: Yi Cheng Co.




Through the changes in people's daily life under the epidemic, daily interpersonal interactions are rapidly fermenting from the laying of social accounts, communication platforms and cloud data computing functions are taking this opportunity to show the convenience it can replace in real life, focusing on the development of the network 5G network signals, low-latency video, and data synchronization in the cloud. But while the human body begins to stagnate in the same spatial and temporal realm on a daily basis, the consciousness keeps switching and shifting identities by switching between conference windows on a small screen, compactly dividing time into a grid of schedules on a calendar. We no longer need to spend time in traffic, or make a detour to get a hot coffee on the way to a business trip, or worry about any peak-time traffic jams.

In such a spatial and temporal environment, The Vanished Everyday attempts to illustrate not only the transformation of the everyday, but also the gradual extraction of what we consider to be real encounters, whether they be with people or the environment, into the virtual space and time. In such a physically and emotionally asynchronous transition, we observe the inseparability of the human psyche to the physical time and the emotional transition.

What is the minimum level of “reality” that we can adapt to? And why can we accept the highest level of “virtual”?